Another profitable month to report, thanks to a strong second-half of the month. This time around, we certainly haven't matched the exploits of January, which was a cracking time, but an 18.55 point profit will suffice. Looking back through the results, it's clear that my All-Weather selections were the slipping-point this time around, as I only managed to get a solitary winner in that code. However, if it wasn't for three seconds, two of which were unlucky, there would have been a profit to show there, instead of a 14pt loss.
Thankfully the National Hunt selections came up trumps, with 4 winners from just 10 selections leading to a profit of 32.55 points and a yield of +141%, which I'm very happy about. That takes the seasonal profit up above the 140pt mark and the yield is +45% for the 4 months, which is very high and so pleasing. Seeing as this time of year wouldn't exactly be my forté, things couldn't be going much better and we roll on to Cheltenham with a few quid to go to war with. The flat season is just around the corner as well and things should get very interesting from then on, as that's where I have my biggest edge - so let the fun begin!
With regards to the service, there's only small number of places left and if anyone has any questions, fire over an e-mail and I'll reply as soon as I can. Nothing's certain in this game but if you've got the time and patience to wait for the right opportunities, you'll be very happy here. Profiting in the long-term is the aim of the game and that's certainly achievable with the right mentality, skills and work-rate - which I think I have!
Profit - +146.05pts
Bets – 154
Wins – 28
Placed – 35
Win SR – 18.18%
Staked – 320.00pts
Returned – 466.05pts
ROI/Yield - +45.64%
Profit - +64.00pts
Bets – 54
Wins – 10
Placed – 13
Win SR – 18.51%
Staked – 113.00pts
Returned – 177.00pts
ROI/Yield - +56.64%
Profit - +82.05pts
Bets – 100
Wins – 18
Placed – 22
Win SR – 18%
Staked – 207.00pts
Returned – 289.05pts
ROI/Yield - +39.63%
Profit - +18.55pts
Bets – 23
Wins – 5
Placed – 4
Win SR – 21.73%
Staked – 51.00pts
Returned – 69.55pts
ROI/Yield - +36.37%
Profit - -14.00pts
Bets – 13
Wins – 1
Placed – 4
Win SR – 7.69%
Staked – 28.00pts
Returned – 14.00pts
ROI/Yield - -50.00%
Profit - +32.55pts
Bets – 10
Wins – 4
Placed – 0
Win SR – 40%
Staked – 23.00pts
Returned – 55.55pts
ROI/Yield - +141.52%
*Placed bets don’t include the winners. All figures to advised/available prices.
Copyright © JamesBoyleRacing
Design By Keith McKiernan