July Stats Update

James Boyle
August 04, 2012

After a horrible June, things didn't get much better in July, apart from the fact that I managed to lose less money. 1 winner was all that resulted from 27 selections, 26 on the turf, and there were a further 9 places that went so very close. Among them was the very unlucky Tinshu (20/1), Mass Rally (11/1), Showboating (14/1) and White Frost (16/1), so things could have been a lot different, yet aren't. August also kicked off with a 14/1 runner-up and I just can't find any winners at the moment. They're either finishing placed, or near last. At least the ground is back to normal now, for a change, and let's hope that it will stay that way.

Here are the statistics, which aren't pretty.



Overall Bank - 618.72pts (+518.72pts)


Yearly Profit - +90.15pts


Flat Racing 2012 Stats -

Profit - +2.50pts

Bets – 144
Wins – 13
Placed – 35
Win SR – 9.02%
Staked – 276.00pts
Returned – 278.50pts
ROI/Yield - +0.90%


July Flat Stats -

Loss - -26.00pts

Bets – 26
Wins – 1
Placed – 9
Win SR – 3.84%
Staked – 36.00pts
Returned – 10.00pts
ROI/Yield - -72.22%

*All figures to advised/available prices. Placed bets don't include the winners.